Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sneak Attack

Certain rules should be respected in the dating world.That being said, if you find yourself ever calling from an outside line because you feel like someone who recognizes your number will not answer, this is a sign that perhaps you should be allocating your minutes to someone else.

With that being said, what is the best thing to do if you begin 'talking' to someone and change your mind? I used to belong to the school of being polite and easing out of the situation.

However, time is precious and people do not necessarily want to hear that they are not the object of your affections. And so, lately I have been simply cutting things off. No answering phone calls, text messages, or emails. I thought I was safe and in control until I make a dumb decision to answer a call from an unidentified number.I don't know what the best answer is. I don't like being rejected but I do know not to be annoying. This may not necessarily put me in a better position.. maybe I remain more prideful and single than ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the brutal face-to-face, complete with slap to the grill and/or drink tossed in face?

Silent treatment doesn't seem like your style... or like a way to deter the guys you're likely to attract/go after.

Be less great and you won't run into this problem. Promise.

Nice to see you writing again, for a change.